International Broadcasting

Delivery Details


Domestic Fiber Distribution – US – Technical Notice (PDF)

Fiber-POP-connectivity (PDF)


International Fiber Distribution – Asia – Technical Notice (PDF)

International Fiber Distribution – Asia – Technical Notice for transition to new modulation (PDF)


International Fiber Distribution – Europe – Technical Notice (PDF)

AD Listen Only Line

EIF Listen LinePGA TOUR LIVEPGA TOUR ChampionsKorn Ferry Listen Line
Channel 5 & 6 & 904-940-1723Channel 5 & 6 Only203-251-9886 Channel 5 & 6 Only

Domestic Backhaul

PGA TOUR – Barracuda Championship

Fiber backhaul Requested Through NBC

Audio Layout

Ch 1 – LeftCh 9 – PGM Cleared L
Ch 2 – RightCh 10 – PGM Cleared R
Ch 3 – CenterCh 11 – International L
Ch 4 – LFECh 12 – International R
Ch 5 – Left SurroundCh 13 – Announce only
Ch 6 – Right SurroundCh 14 – Announce only
Ch 7 – Full Mic LCh 15 – EFX Left
Ch 8 – Full Mix RCh 16 – EFX Right

EIF/PGA TOUR Live Audio Layout

Ch 1 – Program LeftCh 6 – AD Listen Line
Ch 2 – Program Right
Ch 3 – International Sound Left
Ch 4 – International Sound Right
Ch 5 – AD Listen Line

PGA TOUR Champions – Kaulig Companies Championship

Satellite Details

Galaxy 31C/21C DVB-S2/8PSKDL: 4111HFEC: 3/4Symbol Rate: 15Data rate: 33.422

Audio Layout

Ch 1 – Full Program Mix LeftCh 9 – Clean Commentary
Ch 2 – Full Program Mix RightCh 10 – AD Hot Mic
Ch 3 – NME Left
Ch 4 – MNE Right
Ch 5 – Clean Nats and Effects
Ch 6 – Clean Nats and Effects
Ch 7 – Full Program Mix Left
Ch 8 – Full Program Mix Right

Korn Ferry Tour – BMW Charity Pro-AM

Delivery Method
Fiber only from PGATE

Audio Layout

Ch 1 – Full Program Mix/Theme Music
Ch – 2 Full Program Mix/Theme Music
Ch 3 – International Left
Ch 4 – International Right
Ch 5 – AD hot mic
Ch 6 – AD hot mic
Ch 7 – Clean Announce
Ch 8 – Clean Announce

Opposite Event –

Fiber booked through NBC

Audio Layout

Ch – 1 Left Ch 9 – Clean Nats
Ch – 2 Right Ch 10 – Clean Nats
Ch 3 – Center Ch 11 – Clean EFX
Ch 4 – LFE Ch 12 – Clean EFX
Ch 5 – Left Surround Ch 13 – Mute
Ch 6 – Right Surround Ch 14 – Mute
C Ch 7 – Left Program Cleared Ch 15 – Effects Left
Ch 8 – Right Program Cleared Ch 16 – Effects Right

EIF Audio Layout

Ch 1 – Program LeftCh 6 – AD Listen Line
Ch 2 – Program Right
Ch 3 – International Sound Left
Ch 4 – International Sound Right
Ch 5 – AD Listen Line